The books, records and internal control provisions of the FCPA are contained in Securities Exchange Act Sections 13(b)(2)-(7). Generally, these provisions apply to all issuers and transactions. They are broader than the anti-bribery provisions, which focus on certain corrupt payments.

Section 13(b)(2)(A) is perhaps the key provision. It requires every SEC registrant or issuer to “make and keep books, records, and accounts, which, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and disposition of the assets of the issuer” (emphasis added). The Section includes neither a materiality nor a scienter requirement. Rather, the “in reasonable detail” provision of the statute is intended as a substitute to “effectively prevent off-the-books slush funds and payments of bribes.” H.R. Rep. No. 95-831, at 10 (1977), reprinted in 1977 U.S.C.C.A.N. 4121, 4122.

The “in reasonable detail” requirement of Section 13(b)(2)(A) was given further definition in the 1988 amendments to the statute, which added Section 13(b)(7), defining “reasonable.” In the FCPA, that term means that degree of detail which “would satisfy prudent officials in the conduct of their own affairs.” The concept of a prudent man is not an “unrealistic degree of exactitude.” H.R. Rep. No. 100-576 at 917 (1988).

The books and records provisions have three key objectives: (1) to ensure that the books and records reflect the transactions in conformity with acceptable method of reporting economic events; (2) to prohibit inaccurate financial books and records; and (3) to make sure that transactions are properly reflected to permit the preparation of financial statements in accord with GAAP.

To implement the books and records provisions the SEC promulgated two rules. Rule 12b-2-1 prohibits the falsification of the books and records: “No person shall directly or indirectly, falsify or cause to be falsified, any book, record or account.” That Rule is fortified by Rule 13(b)2-2, which prohibits making false statements to an auditor, thus aiding in the preparation of accurate books and records.

The internal control provisions are contained in Section 13(b)(2)(B). That Section requires that every issuer:

devise and maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that:
(1) transactions are executed in accord with management’s general or specific authorization;
(2) to maintain accountability for assets;
(3) access to assets is permitted only in accord with management’s general or specific authorization; and
(4) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any differences …

The purpose of these provisions is to ensure that entities adopt accepted methods of recording economic events, protecting assets and conforming transactions to management’s authorization. No specific system of controls is mandated. Section 13(b)(5) aids enforcement by providing that “[n]o person shall knowingly circumvent or knowingly fail to implement a system of internal controls or knowingly falsify any book, record or account.”

The books and records (a phrase not defined in the statute) and internal control provisions were designed to compliment each other. These provisions, which were fortified in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act by, for example, the CEO/CFO certifications in Section 302 and 906 requirements, work together to ensure that transactions are accurately recorded. The sections also aid enforcement of the anti-bribery provisions by requiring disclosure of any bribe – prevention through “sun-light” or disclosure.

Next: An overview of the anti-bribery provisions

While the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission polices markets in America, regulators around the globe have been actively investigating and bringing civil and criminal securities fraud enforcement cases.


• The much discussed insider trading cases of former investment banker Andrew Rankin appear to be coming to an end. Mr. Rankin faced civil and criminal charges arising out of claims that traded and tipped his friend Daniel Duic, who also traded on inside information over a period of years. Last year, Mr. Rankin was acquitted of insider trading charges and had his conviction for tipping overturned on appeal. During that time, Mr. Duic settled claims that he traded based on inside information obtained from Mr. Rankin. As a second criminal trial began, Mr. Rankin reached a tentative settlement on the civil enforcement charges, contrary to the usual pattern where criminal cases are usually settled first.

Vincent Lacroix was sentenced to 12 years less one day and fined $225,000 by a Quebec judge for running a boiler room operation. Courtroom spectators burst into applause following the sentence. The case follows on the heals of a study which found that more than one million Canadians had lost money to some kind of investment fraud.


• The Securities and Exchange Commission reminded all operators that insider dealing is a criminal offense in the capital markets and urged all dealers to operate within the limits of the regulations. This announcement followed the commencement of an inquiry into the trading in the shares of African Petroleum Plc, Big Treat Plc, Afroi Plc, First Aluminum Plc, Capital Oil Plc and IPWA Plc. There were allegations of price manipulation and other improper practices.


The Financial Services Agency plans to double fines for insider trading and other illegal securities-related activities. Currently, fines on profits from insider trading are based on the difference in the stock price on the day following the company announcement and the day the shares were purchased.

The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission plans to recommend to the Financial Services Agency that fines be levied on three NHK employees for insider trading. The fines are expected to range from 60,000 yen to 200,000 yen per person.


The Australian Securities Exchange launched a special investigation into more than 900 trades by directors in their companies made since the end of the year. This inquiry followed a study by corporate governance experts which suggests that directors are trading in the shares of their companies prior to important announcements.

• Another report claims that insider trading is so rampant in the Australian stock market that it is weakening the reputation of the local bourse. Some executives have been quoted as saying that insider trading has become a part of the system.